I think pool is so addictive. So proud I won willis and jaslin both ! (yaya)
Play game watch movie eat chat joke laugh ...
Did I mention I went CHARLES AND KEITH SALES!?
Omg , yeah madness! I brought ... one bag one heels and 2 heels for mom and sister!
Yea , cheaponan! but my friends bought more than me.
Then Play majong, don't really like it.
I predict I'll have more fun man!

Tell me why do guys find girl when they actually have a gf? Seriously I don't understand!
Is it because you don't love your gf anymore? Or maybe you still love your gf? Then what about your scandal? Both also have feelings? Gf is just a habit? Scandals are to have sex with only?
Tell me !? Anyway Im just curious
Today work. Good boss good environment! laugh!